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How Many Kinds of Charging Pile Classification?

Mention electric are going to have to carry electric vehicle charging pile, the electric car is always used in people's life, so the electric car in the visibility is very high in people's lives, people generally will also be concerned about the electric car, seldom go to care about electric vehicle charging pile, as people will care about the car, not to care about the gas station, but also have different kinds of charging pile, The applicable cars are different, just like the different oil. Xiaobian will introduce the types of electric vehicle charging piles.

How Many Kinds of Charging Pile Classification?

1. According to the installation conditions

It is mainly divided into vertical charging pile and wall-mounted charging pile. Vertical charging pile does not need to rely on the wall and is suitable for dry outdoor parking Spaces or residential parking Spaces.

2. According to the service object

It is mainly divided into public charging, special charging and self-use charging. Public charging is provided by institutions with public service nature, such as government agencies. The service target is any electric vehicle owner, such as public parking lots. The dedicated charging piles are mostly built for enterprises, serving customers and internal personnel, such as shopping mall parking lots. The self-use charging pile is a private charging pile, installed in the private domain, not open to the public.

3. According to the protection level of installation site

It is mainly divided into indoor charging analysis and outdoor charging pile.

4. According to the number of charging interfaces

It is mainly divided into one pile for one charge and one pile for multiple charge. At present, charging in the market is based on one pile and one charge. In such large parking lots as bus parking lots, multi-charge charging piles are needed to support the simultaneous charging of multiple electric vehicles, which not only speeds up the charging efficiency but also saves labor.

5. It is mainly divided into AC charging pile and DC charging pile by charging type

Ac charging piles generally have low current, small pile body, flexible installation, and generally take 6-8 hours to be fully charged. They are suitable for small passenger electric vehicles and are mostly used in dry public parking lots, large shopping centers and community garages. Household charging piles are also mostly AC charging piles. However, DC charging piles generally have larger charging capacity, larger pile body and larger occupied area (heat dissipation) in a short period of time with high current. DC charging is suitable for fast DC charging of dry electric buses, mini buses, hybrid buses, electric cars, taxis, construction vehicles and so on.

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